Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hong Kong...

So last weekend I made my first trip outside of Korea and it was a great time. Went to Hong Kong and met up with a friend from college that I haven't seen in 4 or 5 years (Barry Timmons). He has been in Hong Kong for almost 4 years so new the lay of the land which was great. I didn't get into Hong Kong until around 11:30PM so we hung out for a bit on the roof of his building, which provided a great view of the city at night) and then decided to go out. We went to a bar that had a membership fee to get in (something like $5000 a year) but met up with one of his friends who knew the bouncers so we were able to get in. We ended up staying there until about 5AM and then went to some noodle house with some people we had met. This place was really crowded at 5AM, there are so many people in Hong Kong from all over the world it is amazing. So we got home around 6 and went straight to bed. I actually woke up at 9:30 and took a shower and wandered around the city for a couple of hours and headed back to Barry's apartment and we then went and grabbed some Chinese for lunch. We went all around the city, most notably Stanley, and checked out a lot of shopping areas and saw a lot of other things in the city. The next time that I am there I would like to go to The Peak and also Macau if possible. I wasn't able to get any pictures on Saturday as I broke my camera the night before which kind of sucked but I was able to take it to a Nikon store in Incheon and they should be able to fix it. Saturday night we met up with some more of their friends and went to a tapas style restaurant. It was nice to get a chance to get another cuisines as Incheon is very limited on the selection and I don't make into to Seoul to often to eat. After dinner we went by Soho and it was packed and kind of looked like this picture
We only stayed there for a little bit and then went to another bar that we could actually sit down at. We were only out until 1 or 2 and called it a night. The next day we had brunch and then I went to the airport for my flight. All in all it was a lot of fun and the weather was great. There was supposed to be a typhoon coming through pretty much exactly when I was there and they were saying it was going to be the worst one in 50 years, but between Wed-Fri it slowed down and it was sunny and 80 degrees the whole time I was there. I am sure that I will go back there sometime again during the winter to escape the cold here in Korea.

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