Thursday, September 23, 2010

Chuseok holiday...

Well I got back from Deok Jeok Do yesterday and had a great time. Unfortunately I forgot that I took my memory card out of my camera before I left to use it for something else and the hard drive on the camera only was big enough for like 12 pictures. I will try and snag a few pictures from other people and put them up on my page. Almost didn't feel like I was in Korea since there were so many ex-pats on the island and most Korean people stay away from beaches after August. We had a nice group go with us (I thinkaround50-60), we ended up renting out the entire hotel that we stayed at which was nice not having to worry about annoying people not with the group. We got to play some sand soccer, volleyball (I was dominate) and even hit a few golf balls on the beach. The weather the first couple of days could have been better but the last night and day we were there it was nice. Had a bonfire the last night and it really reminded me of a good old field party in WashMO. It was clear out and there was a full moon and the temperature was a little colder so the fire really helped out. I met some great new people there. Tonight payday reunion in Seoul, which should be a good time.

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