Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Getting situated

Well I have been in my apartment for a few days now and all seems to be good there. I couldn't figure out how to turn on the hot water but that problem has been resolved. Of course the room is pretty small but I don't need a whole lot of space so it works. I will put up pictures when I get internet at home as uploading pictures all day at school probably isn't the best idea. At least when I am blogging and facebooking it looks like possible research for some lesson plans or something. I haven't started to teach yet, won't be doing that until next week. Right now I am just watching a few classes and introducing myself. I am teaching 7th and 8th grade boys so they are pretty rowdy and I think activities will be the best way to keep them in check. I have met all 5 of my co-teachers (Korean teachers assisting in class) and they all seem to be really nice and I am looking forward to working with them. I have read that some people are having a tough time with their placement or school and I am glad to say that thus far I seem to be pretty lucky. My apartment is about a 10 minute walk from school and a 10-15 minute walk from the two main subway lines in Incheon. I am testing out the mail thing so once I have that I will send it out to anyone that wants it. Let's see what else... I have explored the area and there is not a whole lot in my immediate area but plenty to do with a 10-15 minute walk which is good. I haven't really gone out yet in Incheon but I am sure that we will be doing that this weekend. All in all it is just like any other big city, just a change in the language and the look of people make me think that I could be in Madrid or Chicago. I still have not been able to really pick up the language, I can read it pretty well now but the pronunciation and meaning are still lacking. I am getting adjusted to the Korean food (Kimchi is starting to taste better everyday) and get to eat at school everyday which will help. On my first day I made Rice Krispie treats and everyone was very impressed and enjoyed them. I don't think that they get that here too often as there were like 5 total bags of marshmallows in the grocery store the size of a super center Wal-Mart. Does anyone else have any other desserts that you can make sans oven? I will probably start looking online and see if I can find anything. I am thinking maybe first of each month bringing in some goodies for the teachers, they say it will help make your life easier. Everyone loves a little bribery!! I am really glad that I went through the EPIK program as I have a group of 20 or so people that I met there that are in Incheon and it is definitely nice to know a few people in a foreign city. Even though we don't have cell phones yet we are able to communicate a little bit on Facebook and have met up a few times already in the 6 days that we have been here. I get a 4 days off the third week of September for the Chusok (like the Korean Thanksgiving) does anyone have any suggestions on a place I should go? I might just head up to Seoul for a few days or relax in Incheon. They say that it is pretty busy during that time as most Koreans are doing some sort of traveling. I think that pretty sums up the last week or so but once I get internet at home I have a lot more pictures to show everyone.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Moving to my apartment...

I got my assignment today and getting ready to move from the orientation to my apartment. I will be teaching middle school in central Incheon. I don't know my exact address yet, but my school is right by the subway stop and close to a popular bar area. I should have some more info to put up later but might be out of touch for a bit as I won't have internet for a couple of weeks at my house.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Pictures uploaded..

I put up my pictures on my facebook page, if you aren't friends with me send me a request so you can get them. It takes longer to upload them here so I will probably just keep them on facebook. I am pretty excited for Thursday as I will find out where I am going to go and what grade I will be teaching. More to come once I get into my place and get internet at my apartment.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The eagle has landed...

Well after a three day jaunt across the globe I have made it back to the homeland. I was pretty impressed with myself as I didn't sleep at all on the 12 hour flight and am pretty much feeling like it is 11PM instead of 9AM. I did get to see a lot of movies while on the plane so the time actually went by pretty quickly. I had to stay at the airport a bit longer than needed as I forgot one of my bags that I had to check (carry on was too heavy, who weighs a carry on) and had to go back for it. That minor lapse in memory cost me a couple of hours. Well it is pretty late here but I am sure I will find some time to upload a few pictures that I took while on the plane.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The final US post for a year

Well I have had a great week. Meeting with my friends and family on Saturday at The Post was a great time. Thanks for everyone that made it out it was great to see everyone. Monday I flew to Denver and met up with my Aunt and Uncle and had dinner at my cousins great new house. Tuesday flew to San Francisco and saw the sites for a few hours and then had a great steak with Adam. It was a great last meal in the US for a year. Now I am getting all packed up and ready for my trip to the airport and my 13 hour flight to Korea. Hopefully it isn't too bad. I will try and put something up about my trip in the next couple of days. Until then...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

1 week and counting.....

I have gotten pretty much all of my paperwork done putting the final things together. I don't think that it has hit me yet that I will be leaving for a year in another country but it is definitely getting exciting. A couple relaxing days out in Washington and then my party at The Post and off I go to Denver, San Fran and then Korea.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Getting Ready to go!!

Less than two weeks until I leave St. Louis and start my journey to Korea. I am still in the process of getting everything ready and saying my goodbye's to friends and family.